Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pure Joy

I had another happy costumer today. I can't express how happy it makes me. Every time I make something I wonder and hope that the costumer will love the creation that I have made them as much as I do. Every item I make is a part of me and it would break my heart if someone was  not happy. There is no situation that I would want a costumer to be unhappy with what they ordered. I have yet to have a costumer that is not happy. 
Please know that I work hard to make you happy.
So check out what I have and fill free to ask questions.
I'm positive you will love what you get!

1 comment:

  1. Marissa, this is Becky Bunker (Nicole's Mom). i am very interested in getting a few things from you. Could you call me? 339-2245
